In this section, you’ll find detailed instructions for installing and setting up Hyperfoil using various methods, including manual setup, Ansible, and Kubernetes/Openshift. Follow these guides to choose the best installation procedure for your environment.
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1 - Manual startup
Hyperfoil controller is started with
Any arguments passed to the scripts will be passed as-is to the java
By default io.hyperfoil.deployer
is set to ssh
which means that the controller will deploy agents over SSH, based on the agents configurion. This requires that the user account running the controller must have public-key SSH authorization set up using key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
. The user also has to be able to copy files to the directory set in agent definition (by default /tmp/hyperfoil
) using SCP - Hyperfoil automatically synchronizes library files in this folder with the currently running instance and then executes the agent.
When you don’t intend to run distributed benchmarks you can start the controller in standalone mode:
This variant won’t deploy any agents remotely and therefore it does not need any agents:
section in the benchmark definition; instead it will use single agent started in the same JVM.
Below is the comprehensive list of all the properties Hyperfoil recognizes. All system properties can be replaced by environment variables, uppercasing the letters and replacing dots and dashes with underscores: e.g.
Property | Default | Description |
---|---|---| | | Host for Controller REST server |
io.hyperfoil.controller.port | 8090 | Port for Controller REST server |
io.hyperfoil.rootdir | /tmp/hyperfoil | Root directory for stored files |
io.hyperfoil.benchmarkdir | root/benchmark | Benchmark files (YAML and serialized) |
io.hyperfoil.rundir | root/run | Run result files (configs, stats…) |
io.hyperfoil.deployer | ssh | Implementation for agents deployment |
io.hyperfoil.deployer.timeout | 15000 ms | Timeout for agents to start |
io.hyperfoil.agent.debug.port | If set, agent will be started with JVM debug port open | |
io.hyperfoil.agent.debug.suspend | n | Suspend parameter for the debug port |
io.hyperfoil.controller.cluster.ip | first non-loopback | Hostname/IP used for clustering with agents |
io.hyperfoil.controller.cluster.port | 7800 | Default JGroups clustering port |
io.hyperfoil.controller.external.uri | Externally advertised URI of REST server | |
io.hyperfoil.controller.keystore.path | File path to Java Keystore | |
io.hyperfoil.controller.keystore.password | Java Keystore password | |
io.hyperfoil.controller.pem.keys | File path(s) to private TLS key(s) in PEM format | |
io.hyperfoil.controller.pem.certs | File path(s) to server TLS certificate(s) in PEM format | |
io.hyperfoil.controller.password | Password used for Basic authentication | |
io.hyperfoil.controller.secured.via.proxy | This must be set to true for Basic auth without TLS encryption | |
io.hyperfoil.trigger.url | See below |
If io.hyperfoi.trigger.url
is set the controller does not start benchmark run right away after hitting /benchmark/my-benchmark/start
; instead it responds with status 301 and header Location set to concatenation of this string and BENCHMARK=my-benchmark&RUN_ID=xxxx
. CLI interprets that response as a request to hit CI instance on this URL, assuming that CI will trigger a new job that will eventually call /benchmark/my-benchmark/start?runId=xxxx
with header x-trigger-job
. This is useful if the the CI has to synchronize Hyperfoil to other benchmarks that don’t use this controller instance.
Since Hyperfoil accepts and invoked any serialized Java objects you must not run it exposed to public to prevent a very simple remote code execution. Even if using HTTPS and password protection (see below) we recommend to limit access and privileges of the process to absolute minimum.
You can get confidential access to the server using TLS encryption, providing the certificate and keys either using Java Keystore mechanism (properties above starting with io.hyperfoil.controller.keystore
) or via PEM files (properties starting with io.hyperfoil.controller.pem
). These options are mutually exclusive. In the latter case it is possible to use multiple certificate/key files, separated by comma (,).
Authentication uses Basic authentication scheme accepting any string as username. The password is set using io.hyperfoil.controller.password
or respective environment variable. If you’re exposing the server using plaintext HTTP you must set -Dio.hyperfoil.controller.secured.via.proxy=true
to confirm that this is a desired configuration (e.g. if the TLS is terminated at proxy and the connection from proxy does not require confidentiality).
2 - K8s/Openshift deployment
A convenient alternative to running Hyperfoil on hosts with SSH access is deploying it in Kubernetes or Openshift environment. The recommended way to install it using an operator in your Openshift console - just go to Operators - OperatorHub and search for ‘hyperfoil’, and follow the installation wizard. Alternatively you can deploy the controller manually.
In order to start a Hyperfoil Controller instance in your cluster, create a new namespace hyperfoil
: Go to Operators - Installed Operators and open Hyperfoil. In upper left corner select ‘Project: ’ - Create project and fill out the details. Then click on the ‘Hyperfoil’ tab and find the button ‘Create Hyperfoil’.
You should see a YAML definition like this:
kind: Hyperfoil
name: example-hyperfoil
namespace: hyperfoil
agentDeployTimeout: 60000
log: myConfigMap/log4j2-superverbose.xml
version: latest
Change the name
to just hyperfoil
(or whatever you prefer) and delete all the content from the spec
kind: Hyperfoil
name: hyperfoil
namespace: hyperfoil
This is a perfectly valid Hyperfoil resource with everything set to default values. You can customize some properties in the spec
section further - see the reference.
The operator deploys only the controller; each agent is then started when the run starts as a pod
in the same namespace and stopped when the run completes.
When the resource becomes ready (you can check it out through Openshift CLI using oc get hf
) the controller pod should be up and running. Now you can open Hyperfoil CLI and connect to the controller. While default Hyperfoil port is 8090, default route setting uses TLS (edge) and therefore Openshift router will expose the service on port 443. If your cluster’s certificate is not recognized (such as when using self-signed certificates) you need to use --insecure
(or -k
) option.
[hyperfoil]$ connect --insecure
WARNING: Hyperfoil TLS certificate validity is not checked. Your credentials might get compromised.
WARNING: Server time seems to be off by 12124 ms
Now you can upload & run benchmarks as usual - we’re using {% include src=‘k8s-hello-world.hf.yaml’ %} in this example. Note that it can take several seconds to spin up containers with agents.
[hyperfoil@hyperfoil-hyperfoil]$ upload examples/k8s-hello-world.hf.yaml
Loaded benchmark k8s-hello-world, uploading...
... done.
[hyperfoil@hyperfoil-hyperfoil]$ run k8s-hello-world
Started run 0000
Run 0000, benchmark k8s-hello-world
Agents: agent-one[STARTING]
Started: 2019/11/18 19:07:36.752 Terminated: 2019/11/18 19:07:41.778
main TERMINATED 19:07:36.753 19:07:41.778 5025 ms (exceeded by 25 ms) 5.00 users per second
You can find more details about adjusting the agents in the benchmark format reference.
Running Hyperfoil inside the cluster you are trying to test might skew results due to different network topology compared to driving the load from ‘outside’ (as real users would do). It is your responsibility to validate if your setup and separation between load driver and SUT (system under test) is correct. You have been warned.
Property | Description |
version | Tag for controller image (e.g. 0.14 for a released version or 0.15-SNAPSHOT for last build from main (master) branch). Defaults to latest . |
image | Controller image. If ‘version’ is defined, too, the tag is replaced (or appended). Defaults to ‘’ |
route | Configuration for the route leading to Controller REST endpoint. |
auth | Authorization configuration. |
log | Name of the config map and optionally its entry (separated by ‘/’: e.g myconfigmap/log4j2-superverbose.xml) storing Log4j2 configuration file. By default the Controller uses its embedded configuration. |
agentDeployTimeout | Deploy timeout for agents, in milliseconds. |
triggerUrl | Value for io.hyperfoil.trigger.url - see above |
preHooks | List of config map names holding hooks that run before the run starts. |
postHooks | List of config map names holding hooks that run when the run finishes. |
persistentVolumeClaim | Name of the PVC Hyperfoil should mount for its workdir. |
Property | Description |
host | Host for the route leading to Controller REST endpoint. Example: |
type | Either ‘http’ (for plain-text routes - not recommended), ’edge’, ‘reencrypt’ or ‘passthrough’ |
tls | Name of the secret hosting tls.crt , tls.key and optionally ca.crt . This is mandatory for passthrough routes and optional for edge and reencrypt routes |
Property | Description |
secret | Name of secret used for basic authentication. Must contain key password ; Hyperfoil accepts any username for login. |
3 - Manual k8s/Openshift deployment
If you cannot use the operator or if you’re running vanilla Kubernetes you can define all the resource manually. You deploy only the controller; each agent is then started, when the run starts, as a pod
in the same namespace and stopped when the run completes.
Following steps install Hyperfoil controller in Openshift, assuming that you have all the required priviledges. With vanilla Kubernetes you might have to replace the route
with an appropriate ingress
1. Create new namespace for hyperfoil
oc new-project hyperfoil
2. Create required resources
curl -s -L | oc apply -f - created
serviceaccount/controller created
service/hyperfoil created created created created
The route will use hostname following the format
- feel free to customize the hostname as needed.
3. Wait until the image gets downloaded and the container starts
oc get po
controller-1-pqbvs 1/1 Running 0 57s
controller-1-deploy 0/1 Completed 0 72s
4. Open CLI and connect to the controller
While default Hyperfoil port is 8090, Openshift router will expose the service on port 80.
[hyperfoil]$ connect -p 80
WARNING: Server time seems to be off by 12124 ms
5. Upload and run benchmarks as usual
We’re using k8s-hello-world.hf.yaml
in this example.
name: k8s-hello-world
host: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
duration: 5s
usersPerSec: 5
- test:
- httpRequest:
GET: /
Note that it can take several seconds to spin up containers with agents.
[hyperfoil@hyperfoil-hyperfoil]$ upload .../k8s-hello-world.hf.yaml
Loaded benchmark k8s-hello-world, uploading...
... done.
[hyperfoil@hyperfoil-hyperfoil]$ run k8s-hello-world
Started run 0000
Run 0000, benchmark k8s-hello-world
Agents: agent-one[STARTING]
Started: 2019/11/18 19:07:36.752 Terminated: 2019/11/18 19:07:41.778
main TERMINATED 19:07:36.753 19:07:41.778 5025 ms (exceeded by 25 ms) 5.00 users per second
You can find more details about adjusting the agents in the benchmark format reference.
Running Hyperfoil inside the cluster you are trying to test might skew results due to different network topology compared to driving the load from ‘outside’ (as real users would do). It is your responsibility to validate if your setup and separation between load driver and SUT (system under test) is correct. You have been warned.
4 - Ansible startup
You can fetch release, distribute and start the cluster using Ansible Galaxy scripts; setup, test, shutdown
First, get the scripts:
ansible-galaxy install hyperfoil.hyperfoil_setup,{{ site.last_release.galaxy_version }}
ansible-galaxy install hyperfoil.hyperfoil_shutdown,{{ site.last_release.galaxy_version }}
ansible-galaxy install hyperfoil.hyperfoil_test,{{ site.last_release.galaxy_version }}
Now, edit your hosts
file, it could look like this:
controller ansible_host=localhost
agent-1 ansible_host=localhost
You can add more agents by duplicating the last line withagent-2
etc.Prepare your playbook; here is a short example that starts the controller, uploads and starts simple benchmark (the templating engine replaces the agents in benchmark script based on Ansible hosts) and waits for its completion. When it confirms number of requests executed it stops the controller.
- hosts: [ hyperfoil-agent, hyperfoil-controller ]
tasks: [] # This will only gather facts about all nodes
- hosts: hyperfoil-controller
- hyperfoil.hyperfoil_setup
- hosts:
connection: local
- hyperfoil.hyperfoil_test
test_name: example
# Note that due to the way Ansible lookups work this will work only if hyperfoil-controller == localhost
- hosts:
connection: local
- name: Find number of requests
test_requests: "{{ lookup('csvfile', 'example file=/tmp/hyperfoil/workspace/run/' + test_runid + '/stats/total.csv col=2 delimiter=,')}}"
- name: Print number of requests
msg: "Executed {{ test_requests }} requests."
- hosts:
- hyperfoil-controller
- hyperfoil.hyperfoil_shutdown
Finally, run the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts example.yml