
Define a point in future until which we should wait. Does not cause waiting.

Define a point in future until which we should wait. Does not cause waiting.

durationStringDuration of the delay with appropriate suffix (e.g. ms or s).
fromLast<none>Set previous delay point reference as the reference for next delay point; it will be computed as (previous delay point or now) + duration.
Note: property does not have any value
fromNow<none>Set this step invocation as the delay point reference; it will be computed as now + duration.
Note: property does not have any value
keyStringKey that is referenced later in awaitDelay step. If you’re introducing the delay through thinkTime do not use this property.
maxStringUpper cap on the duration (if randomized).
minStringLower cap on the duration (if randomized).
randomenumRandomize the duration.
  • CONSTANTDo not randomize; use constant duration.
  • LINEARUse linearly random duration between min and max (inclusively).
  • NEGATIVE_EXPONENTIALUse negative-exponential duration with expected value of duration, capped at min and max (inclusively).
typeenumAlternative way to set delay reference point. See fromNow and fromLast property setters.