
Issues a HotRod request and registers handlers for the response.

Issues a HotRod request and registers handlers for the response.

cacheNameStringName of the cache used for the operation. This can be a pattern.
cacheName (alternative)Builder<no description>
getStringGet specified entry in the remote cache.
keyStringKey used for the operation. This can be a pattern.
key (alternative)Builder<no description>
metricStringRequests statistics will use this metric name.
metric (alternative)<list of strings>Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path.
  • PUTAdds or overrides each specified entry in the remote cache.
  • GETGet specified entry in the remote cache.
putStringAdds or overrides each specified entry in the remote cache.
valueStringValue for the operation. This can be a pattern.
value (alternative)Builder<no description>


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path.

<list of strings><list of strings>Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path. The expressions are evaluated in the order as provided in the list. Use one of:
  • regexp -> replacement, e.g. ([^?])(?.)? -> $1 to drop the query part.
  • regexp (don’t do any replaces and use the full path), e.g. .*.jpg
  • -> name (metric applied if none of the previous expressions match).


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.

Last modified September 2, 2024: docs: fix quickstart links (245525b)