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Steps are the basic building blocks that form each sequence of a scenario, similar to statements in a programming language. Steps are potentially blocking (the sequence cannot continue with next step until previous one finishes).

Note that every action can be also used as a step that simply never blocks, as actions do not require any extra input.

1 - addItem

Appends value to an array stored in another variable.

Appends value to an array stored in another variable.

fromVarStringFetch value from session variable.
toVarStringDestination variable with the array.
valueStringVerbatim value.

2 - addToInt

Add value to integer variable in the session.

Add value to integer variable in the session.

Inline definition
Accepting one of: var++, var–, var += value, var -= value.
orElseSetTointIf the variable is currently not set, set it to this value instead of addition.
valueintValue added (can be negative).
varStringVariable name.

3 - addToSharedCounter

Adds value to a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor.

Adds value to a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor.

Inline definition
Use on of: counter++, counter–, counter += <value>,
counter -= <value>
fromVarStringInput variable name.
keyStringIdentifier for the counter.
operatorenumOperation to perform on the counter. Default is ADD.
  • ADD
valueintValue (integer).

4 - awaitAllResponses

Block current sequence until all requests receive the response.

Block current sequence until all requests receive the response.

5 - awaitDelay

Block this sequence until referenced delay point.

Block this sequence until referenced delay point.

Inline definition
Delay point created in scheduleDelay.key.
keyStringDelay point created in scheduleDelay.key.

6 - awaitInt

Block current sequence until condition becomes true.

Block current sequence until condition becomes true.

equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.
varStringVariable name storing the compared value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).

7 - awaitVar

Block current sequence until this variable gets set/unset.

Block current sequence until this variable gets set/unset.

Inline definition
Variable name or !variable if we are waiting for it to be unset.
varStringVariable name or !variable if we are waiting for it to be unset.

8 - breakIfFinished

Stop execution of current sequence if the phase is in finished state.

Stop execution of current sequence if the phase is in finished state.

This is useful for a long-running (looping) sequence that should not extend the duration of its phase.

9 - breakSequence

Prematurely stops execution of this sequence if the condition is satisfied.

Prematurely stops execution of this sequence if the condition is satisfied.

allConditionsBuilderCondition combining multiple other conditions with ‘AND’ logic.
boolConditionBuilderCondition comparing boolean variables.
dependencyStringThis step is blocked if this variable does not have set value (none by default).
intConditionBuilderCondition comparing integer variables.
onBreakAction.BuilderAction performed when the condition is true and the sequence is to be ended.
stringConditionBuilderCondition comparing string variables.


Test more conditions and combine the results using AND logic.

<list of mappings><list of builders>List of conditions.

allConditions.<list of mappings>

Selector for condition type.

allConditionsBuilderCondition combining multiple other conditions with ‘AND’ logic.
boolConditionBuilderCondition comparing boolean variables.
intConditionBuilderCondition comparing integer variables.
stringConditionBuilderCondition comparing string variables.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.allConditions

Test more conditions and combine the results using AND logic.

<list of mappings><list of builders>List of conditions.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.boolCondition

Tests session variable containing boolean value.

fromVarStringVariable name.
valuebooleanExpected value.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.intCondition

Condition comparing integer in session variable.

Inline definition
Parses condition in the form <variable> <operator> <value>
where operator is one of: ==, !=,
<> (the same as !=),
>=, >, <=, <.
equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
fromVarObjectVariable name.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.stringCondition

Condition comparing string in session variable.

caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
fromVarObjectVariable name.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


Tests session variable containing boolean value.

fromVarStringVariable name.
valuebooleanExpected value.


Condition comparing integer in session variable.

Inline definition
Parses condition in the form <variable> <operator> <value>
where operator is one of: ==, !=,
<> (the same as !=),
>=, >, <=, <.
equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
fromVarObjectVariable name.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Condition comparing string in session variable.

caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
fromVarObjectVariable name.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).

10 - clearHttpCache

Drops all entries from HTTP cache in the session.

Drops all entries from HTTP cache in the session.

11 - conditional

Perform an action or sequence of actions conditionally.

Perform an action or sequence of actions conditionally.

actionsAction.BuilderActions that should be executed should the condition hold.
allConditionsBuilderCondition combining multiple other conditions with ‘AND’ logic.
boolConditionBuilderCondition comparing boolean variables.
intConditionBuilderCondition comparing integer variables.
stringConditionBuilderCondition comparing string variables.


Test more conditions and combine the results using AND logic.

<list of mappings><list of builders>List of conditions.

allConditions.<list of mappings>

Selector for condition type.

allConditionsBuilderCondition combining multiple other conditions with ‘AND’ logic.
boolConditionBuilderCondition comparing boolean variables.
intConditionBuilderCondition comparing integer variables.
stringConditionBuilderCondition comparing string variables.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.allConditions

Test more conditions and combine the results using AND logic.

<list of mappings><list of builders>List of conditions.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.boolCondition

Tests session variable containing boolean value.

fromVarStringVariable name.
valuebooleanExpected value.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.intCondition

Condition comparing integer in session variable.

Inline definition
Parses condition in the form <variable> <operator> <value>
where operator is one of: ==, !=,
<> (the same as !=),
>=, >, <=, <.
equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
fromVarObjectVariable name.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.stringCondition

Condition comparing string in session variable.

caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
fromVarObjectVariable name.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


Tests session variable containing boolean value.

fromVarStringVariable name.
valuebooleanExpected value.


Condition comparing integer in session variable.

Inline definition
Parses condition in the form <variable> <operator> <value>
where operator is one of: ==, !=,
<> (the same as !=),
>=, >, <=, <.
equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
fromVarObjectVariable name.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Condition comparing string in session variable.

caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
fromVarObjectVariable name.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).

12 - fail

Fail the phase with given message. Used mostly for testing/debugging.

Fail the phase with given message. Used mostly for testing/debugging.

Inline definition
Message to fail with (unconditionally).
allConditionsBuilderCondition combining multiple other conditions with ‘AND’ logic.
boolConditionBuilderCondition comparing boolean variables.
intConditionBuilderCondition comparing integer variables.
messageStringMessage attached to the failure exception.
stringConditionBuilderCondition comparing string variables.


Test more conditions and combine the results using AND logic.

<list of mappings><list of builders>List of conditions.

allConditions.<list of mappings>

Selector for condition type.

allConditionsBuilderCondition combining multiple other conditions with ‘AND’ logic.
boolConditionBuilderCondition comparing boolean variables.
intConditionBuilderCondition comparing integer variables.
stringConditionBuilderCondition comparing string variables.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.allConditions

Test more conditions and combine the results using AND logic.

<list of mappings><list of builders>List of conditions.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.boolCondition

Tests session variable containing boolean value.

fromVarStringVariable name.
valuebooleanExpected value.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.intCondition

Condition comparing integer in session variable.

Inline definition
Parses condition in the form <variable> <operator> <value>
where operator is one of: ==, !=,
<> (the same as !=),
>=, >, <=, <.
equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
fromVarObjectVariable name.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.

allConditions.<list of mappings>.stringCondition

Condition comparing string in session variable.

caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
fromVarObjectVariable name.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


Tests session variable containing boolean value.

fromVarStringVariable name.
valuebooleanExpected value.


Condition comparing integer in session variable.

Inline definition
Parses condition in the form <variable> <operator> <value>
where operator is one of: ==, !=,
<> (the same as !=),
>=, >, <=, <.
equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
fromVarObjectVariable name.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Condition comparing string in session variable.

caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
fromVarObjectVariable name.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).

13 - foreach

Instantiate new sequences based on array variable content.

Instantiate new sequences based on array variable content.

counterVarStringVariable to be set to the number of created sequences (optional).
dependencyStringThis step is blocked if this variable does not have set value (none by default).
fromVarStringVariable holding the array.
sequenceStringName of the instantiated sequence.

14 - getIndex

Lookup index of an item in an array/collection.

Lookup index of an item in an array/collection.

collectionStringVariable to fetch the collection from.
itemBuilderItem that should be looked up (using equality).
toVarStringInteger variable to store the index, or -1 if the item is not found.


Inline definition
Verbatim value.
fromVarStringFetch value from session variable.
valueStringVerbatim value.

15 - getItem

Retrieves n-th item from an array or collection.

Retrieves n-th item from an array or collection.

fromVarStringSource variable with an array or list.
indexBuilderSource for index into the array/list.
toVarStringDestination variable for the n-th element.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).

16 - getSharedCounter

Retrieves value from a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor and stores that in a session variable.

Retrieves value from a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor and stores that in a session variable.
If the value exceeds allowed integer range (-2^31 .. 2^31 - 1) it is capped.

Inline definition
Both the key and variable name.
keyStringIdentifier for the counter.
toVarStringSession variable for storing the value.

17 - getSize

Calculates size of an array/collection held in variable into another variable

Calculates size of an array/collection held in variable into another variable

boolFilterBuilderCount only items matching the condition.
fromVarStringVariable holding the collection.
intFilterBuilderCount only items matching the condition.
stringFilterBuilderCount only items matching the condition.
toVarStringVariable storing the size.
undefinedValueintValue to use when fromVar is unset or it does not contain any array/collection.


valuebooleanExpected value.


equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).

18 - hotrodRequest

Issues a HotRod request and registers handlers for the response.

Issues a HotRod request and registers handlers for the response.

cacheNameStringName of the cache used for the operation. This can be a pattern.
cacheName (alternative)Builder<no description>
getStringGet specified entry in the remote cache.
keyStringKey used for the operation. This can be a pattern.
key (alternative)Builder<no description>
metricStringRequests statistics will use this metric name.
metric (alternative)<list of strings>Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path.
  • PUTAdds or overrides each specified entry in the remote cache.
  • GETGet specified entry in the remote cache.
putStringAdds or overrides each specified entry in the remote cache.
valueStringValue for the operation. This can be a pattern.
value (alternative)Builder<no description>


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path.

<list of strings><list of strings>Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path. The expressions are evaluated in the order as provided in the list. Use one of:
  • regexp -> replacement, e.g. ([^?])(?.)? -> $1 to drop the query part.
  • regexp (don’t do any replaces and use the full path), e.g. .*.jpg
  • -> name (metric applied if none of the previous expressions match).


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.

19 - httpRequest

Issues a HTTP request and registers handlers for the response.

Issues a HTTP request and registers handlers for the response.

authorityStringHTTP authority (host:port) this request should target. Must match one of the entries in http section. The string can use string interpolation.
authority (alternative)BuilderHTTP authority (host:port) this request should target. Must match one of the entries in http section.
bodyBuilderHTTP request body.
body (alternative)StringHTTP request body (possibly a pattern).
compensationBuilderConfigures additional metric compensated for coordinated omission.
compressionBuilderConfigure response compression.
compression (alternative)StringRequest server to respond with compressed entity using specified content encoding.
CONNECTStringIssue HTTP CONNECT request to given path. This can be a pattern.
CONNECT (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP CONNECT request to given path.
DELETEStringIssue HTTP DELETE request to given path. This can be a pattern.
DELETE (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP DELETE request to given path.
endpointBuilderHTTP endpoint this request should target. Must match to the name of the entries in http section.
GETStringIssue HTTP GET request to given path. This can be a pattern.
GET (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP GET request to given path.
handlerBuilderHTTP response handlers.
HEADStringIssue HTTP HEAD request to given path. This can be a pattern.
HEAD (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP HEAD request to given path.
headersBuilderHTTP headers sent in the request.
methodenumHTTP method used for the request.
  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT
metricStringRequests statistics will use this metric name.
metric (alternative)<list of strings>Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path.
OPTIONSStringIssue HTTP OPTIONS request to given path. This can be a pattern.
OPTIONS (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP OPTIONS request to given path.
PATCHStringIssue HTTP PATCH request to given path. This can be a pattern.
PATCH (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP PATCH request to given path.
pathStringHTTP path (absolute or relative), including query and fragment. The string can use string interpolation.
path (alternative)BuilderHTTP path (absolute or relative), including query and fragment.
POSTStringIssue HTTP POST request to given path. This can be a pattern.
POST (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP POST request to given path.
PUTStringIssue HTTP PUT request to given path. This can be a pattern.
PUT (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP PUT request to given path.
slaBuilderList of SLAs the requests are subject to.
syncbooleanThis request is synchronous; execution of the sequence does not continue until the full response is received. If this step is executed from multiple parallel instances of this sequence the progress of all sequences is blocked until there is a request in flight without response.

Default is true.

timeoutStringRequest timeout - after this time the request will be marked as failed and connection will be closed.

Defaults to value set globally in http section.

TRACEStringIssue HTTP TRACE request to given path. This can be a pattern.
TRACE (alternative)BuilderIssue HTTP TRACE request to given path.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Allows building HTTP request body from session variables.

formBuilderBuild form as if we were sending the request using HTML form. This option automatically adds Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded to the request headers.
fromFileStringSend contents of the file. Note that this method does NOT set content-type automatically.
fromVarStringUse variable content as request body.
patternStringPattern replacing ${sessionvar} with variable contents in a string.
textStringString sent as-is.


<list of mappings><list of builders>Add input pair described in the mapping.

body.form.<list of mappings>

Form element (e.g. as if coming from an INPUT field).

fromVarStringInput field value from session variable.
nameStringInput field name.
patternStringInput field value replacing session variables in a pattern, e.g. foo${myvariable}var
valueStringInput field value (verbatim).


metricStringMetric name for the compensated results.
metric (alternative)<list of strings>Configure a custom metric for the compensated results.
targetRatedoubleDesired rate of new virtual users per second. This is similar to constantRate.usersPerSec phase settings but works closer to legacy benchmark drivers by fixing the concurrency.
targetRate (alternative)BuilderDesired rate of new virtual users per second. This is similar to constantRate.usersPerSec phase settings but works closer to legacy benchmark drivers by fixing the concurrency.


Configure a custom metric for the compensated results.

<list of strings><list of strings>Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path. The expressions are evaluated in the order as provided in the list. Use one of:
  • regexp -> replacement, e.g. ([^?])(?.)? -> $1 to drop the query part.
  • regexp (don’t do any replaces and use the full path), e.g. .*.jpg
  • -> name (metric applied if none of the previous expressions match).


basedoubleBase value used for first iteration.
incrementdoubleValue by which the base value is incremented for each (but the very first) iteration.


encodingStringEncoding used for Accept-Encoding/TE header. The only currently supported is gzip.
typeenumType of compression (resource vs. transfer based).
  • CONTENT_ENCODINGUse Accept-Encoding in request and expect Content-Encoding in response.
  • TRANSFER_ENCODINGUse TE in request and expect Transfer-Encoding in response.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Manages processing of HTTP responses.

autoRangeCheckbooleanInject status handler that marks the request as invalid on status 4xx or 5xx. Default value depends on ergonomics.autoRangeCheck (see User Guide).
bodyProcessor.BuilderHandle HTTP response body.
followRedirectenumAutomatically fire requests when the server responds with redirection. Default value depends on ergonomics.followRedirect (see User Guide).
  • NEVERDo not insert any automatic redirection handling.
  • LOCATION_ONLYRedirect only upon status 3xx accompanied with a ’location’ header. Status, headers, body and completions handlers are suppressed in this case (only raw-bytes handlers are still running). This is the default option.
  • HTML_ONLYHandle only HTML response with META refresh header. Status, headers and body handlers are invoked both on the original response and on the response from subsequent requests. Completion handlers are suppressed on this request and invoked after the last response arrives (in case of multiple redirections).
  • ALWAYSImplement both status 3xx + location and HTML redirects.
headerHeaderHandler.BuilderHandle HTTP response headers.
onCompletionAction.BuilderAction executed when the HTTP response is fully received.
rawBytesRawBytesHandler.BuilderHandler processing HTTP response before parsing.
statusStatusHandler.BuilderHandle HTTP response status.
stopOnInvalidbooleanInject completion handler that will stop the session if the request has been marked as invalid. Default value depends on ergonomics.stopOnInvalid (see User Guide).


Handle HTTP response headers.

conditionalConditionalHeaderHandler.BuilderPasses the headers to nested handler if the condition holds. Note that the condition may be evaluated multiple times and therefore any nested handlers should not change the results of the condition.
countHeadersCountHeadersHandler.BuilderStores number of occurences of each header in custom statistics (these can be displayed in CLI using the stats -c command).
filterFilterHeaderHandler.BuilderCompares if the header name matches expression and invokes a processor with the value.
logInvalidLogInvalidHandler.HeaderHandlerBuilderLogs headers from requests marked as invalid.
recordHeaderTimeRecordHeaderTimeHandler.BuilderRecords alternative metric based on values from a header (e.g. when a proxy reports processing time).


Passes the headers to nested handler if the condition holds. Note that the condition may be evaluated multiple times and therefore any nested handlers should not change the results of the condition.

allConditionsBuilderCondition combining multiple other conditions with ‘AND’ logic.
boolConditionBuilderCondition comparing boolean variables.
handlerHeaderHandler.BuilderOne or more header handlers that should be invoked.
intConditionBuilderCondition comparing integer variables.
stringConditionBuilderCondition comparing string variables.


Test more conditions and combine the results using AND logic.

<list of mappings><list of builders>List of conditions.

handler.header.conditional.allConditions.<list of mappings>

Selector for condition type.

allConditionsBuilderCondition combining multiple other conditions with ‘AND’ logic.
boolConditionBuilderCondition comparing boolean variables.
intConditionBuilderCondition comparing integer variables.
stringConditionBuilderCondition comparing string variables.

handler.header.conditional.allConditions.<list of mappings>.allConditions

Test more conditions and combine the results using AND logic.

<list of mappings><list of builders>List of conditions.

handler.header.conditional.allConditions.<list of mappings>.boolCondition

Tests session variable containing boolean value.

fromVarStringVariable name.
valuebooleanExpected value.

handler.header.conditional.allConditions.<list of mappings>.intCondition

Condition comparing integer in session variable.

Inline definition
Parses condition in the form <variable> <operator> <value>
where operator is one of: ==, !=,
<> (the same as !=),
>=, >, <=, <.
equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
fromVarObjectVariable name.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.

handler.header.conditional.allConditions.<list of mappings>.stringCondition

Condition comparing string in session variable.

caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
fromVarObjectVariable name.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


Tests session variable containing boolean value.

fromVarStringVariable name.
valuebooleanExpected value.


One or more header handlers that should be invoked.

conditionalConditionalHeaderHandler.BuilderPasses the headers to nested handler if the condition holds. Note that the condition may be evaluated multiple times and therefore any nested handlers should not change the results of the condition.
countHeadersCountHeadersHandler.BuilderStores number of occurences of each header in custom statistics (these can be displayed in CLI using the stats -c command).
filterFilterHeaderHandler.BuilderCompares if the header name matches expression and invokes a processor with the value.
logInvalidLogInvalidHandler.HeaderHandlerBuilderLogs headers from requests marked as invalid.
recordHeaderTimeRecordHeaderTimeHandler.BuilderRecords alternative metric based on values from a header (e.g. when a proxy reports processing time).


Condition comparing integer in session variable.

Inline definition
Parses condition in the form <variable> <operator> <value>
where operator is one of: ==, !=,
<> (the same as !=),
>=, >, <=, <.
equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
fromVarObjectVariable name.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Condition comparing string in session variable.

caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
fromVarObjectVariable name.
isSetbooleanCheck if the value is set or unset. By default the variable must be set.
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Compares if the header name matches expression and invokes a processor with the value.

headerBuilderCondition on the header name.
processorProcessor.BuilderAdd one or more processors.


Inline definition
Literal value the string should match.
caseSensitivebooleanTrue if the case must match, false if the check is case-insensitive.
endsWithCharSequenceSuffix for the string.
equalToCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match (the same as {@link #value}).
lengthintCheck the length of the string.
length (alternative)BuilderCheck the length of the string.
matchVarStringFetch the value from a variable.
negatebooleanInvert the logic of this condition. Defaults to false.
notEqualToCharSequenceValue that the string must not match.
startsWithCharSequencePrefix for the string.
valueCharSequenceLiteral value the string should match.


equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Records alternative metric based on values from a header (e.g. when a proxy reports processing time).

headerStringHeader carrying the time.
metricStringName of the created metric.
unitStringTime unit in the header; use either ms or ns.


Handler processing HTTP response before parsing.

transferSizeRecorderTransferSizeRecorder.BuilderAccumulates request and response sizes into custom metrics.


Accumulates request and response sizes into custom metrics.

keyStringName of the custom metric for collecting request/response bytes.


Handle HTTP response status.

actionActionStatusHandler.BuilderPerform certain actions when the status falls into a range.
counterStatusToCounterHandler.BuilderCounts how many times given status is received.
multiplexMultiplexStatusHandler.BuilderMultiplexes the status based on range into different status handlers.
rangeRangeStatusValidator.BuilderMarks requests that don’t fall into the desired range as invalid.
statsStatusToStatsHandler.BuilderRecords number of occurrences of each status counts into custom statistics (these can be displayed in CLI using stats -c).
storeStoreStatusHandler.BuilderStores the status into session variable.


Perform certain actions when the status falls into a range.

<any>BuilderPerform a sequence of actions if the range matches. Use range as the key and action in the mapping. Possible values of the status should be separated by commas (,). Ranges can be set using low-high (inclusive) (e.g. 200-299), or replacing lower digits with ‘x’ (e.g. 2xx).


Counts how many times given status is received.

addintNumber to be added to the session variable.
expectStatusintExpected status (others are ignored). All status codes match by default.
initintInitial value for the session variable.
setintDo not accumulate (add), just set the variable to this value.
varStringVariable name.


Multiplexes the status based on range into different status handlers.

<any>BuilderRun another handler if the range matches. Use range as the key and another status handler in the mapping. Possible values of the status should be separated by commas (,). Ranges can be set using low-high (inclusive) (e.g. 200-299), or replacing lower digits with ‘x’ (e.g. 2xx).


Run another handler if the range matches. Use range as the key and another status handler in the mapping. Possible values of the status should be separated by commas (,). Ranges can be set using low-high (inclusive) (e.g. 200-299), or replacing lower digits with ‘x’ (e.g. 2xx).

actionActionStatusHandler.BuilderPerform certain actions when the status falls into a range.
counterStatusToCounterHandler.BuilderCounts how many times given status is received.
multiplexMultiplexStatusHandler.BuilderMultiplexes the status based on range into different status handlers.
rangeRangeStatusValidator.BuilderMarks requests that don’t fall into the desired range as invalid.
statsStatusToStatsHandler.BuilderRecords number of occurrences of each status counts into custom statistics (these can be displayed in CLI using stats -c).
storeStoreStatusHandler.BuilderStores the status into session variable.


Marks requests that don’t fall into the desired range as invalid.

Inline definition
Single status code (204), masked code (2xx) or range (200-399).
maxintHighest accepted status code.
minintLowest accepted status code.

Stores the status into session variable.

Inline definition
Variable name.
toVarObjectVariable name.

Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


<any>StringUse header name (e.g. Content-Type) as key and value (possibly a pattern).
<any> (alternative)BuilderUse header name (e.g. Content-Type) as key and specify value in the mapping.


Specifies value that should be sent in headers.

Inline definition
The value. This can be a pattern.
fromVarStringLoad header value from session variable.
patternStringLoad header value using a pattern.


Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path.

<list of strings><list of strings>Allows categorizing request statistics into metrics based on the request path. The expressions are evaluated in the order as provided in the list. Use one of:
  • regexp -> replacement, e.g. ([^?])(?.)? -> $1 to drop the query part.
  • regexp (don’t do any replaces and use the full path), e.g. .*.jpg
  • -> name (metric applied if none of the previous expressions match).


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.


Defines a list of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) - conditions that must hold for benchmark to be deemed successful.

<list of mappings><list of builders>One or more SLA configurations.

sla.<list of mappings>

Defines a Service Level Agreement (SLA) - conditions that must hold for benchmark to be deemed successful.

blockedRatiodoubleMaximum allowed ratio of time spent waiting for usable connection to sum of response latencies and blocked time. Default is 0 - client must not be blocked. Set to 1 if the client can block without limits.
errorRatiodoubleMaximum allowed ratio of errors: connection failures or resets, timeouts and internal errors. Valid values are 0.0 - 1.0 (inclusive). Note: 4xx and 5xx statuses are NOT considered errors for this SLA parameter. Use invalidRatio for that.
invalidRatiodoubleMaximum allowed ratio of requests with responses marked as invalid. Valid values are 0.0 - 1.0 (inclusive). Note: With default settings 4xx and 5xx statuses are considered invalid. Check out ergonomics.autoRangeCheck or httpRequest.handler.autoRangeCheck to change this.
limitsBuilderPercentile limits.
meanResponseTimeStringMaximum allowed mean (average) response time. Use suffix ns, us, ms or s to specify units.
windowStringPeriod over which the stats should be collected. By default the SLA applies to stats from whole phase.

sla.<list of mappings>.limits

Percentile limits.

<any>StringUse percentile (value between 0.0 and 1.0) as key and response time with unit (e.g. ms) in suffix as value.


Generic builder for generating a string.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
fromVarObjectLoad the string from session variable.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.
valueStringString value used verbatim.

20 - json

Parse JSON in variable into another variable.

Parse JSON in variable into another variable.

deletebooleanIf this is set to true, the selected key will be deleted from the JSON and the modified JSON will be passed to the processor.
formatenumConversion to apply on the matching parts with ’toVar’ or ’toArray’ shortcuts.
  • BYTEBUFStore the buffer directly. Beware that this may cause memory leaks!
  • BYTESStore data as byte array.
  • STRINGInterprets the bytes as UTF-8 string.
fromVarStringVariable to load JSON from.
processorProcessor.BuilderAdd one or more processors.
queryStringQuery selecting the part of JSON.
replaceTransformer.BuilderCustom transformation executed on the value of the selected item. Note that the output value must contain quotes (if applicable) and be correctly escaped.
replace (alternative)StringReplace value of selected item with value generated through a pattern. Note that the result must contain quotes and be correctly escaped.
toArrayStringShortcut to store selected parts in an array in the session. Must follow the pattern variable[maxSize]
toVarStringShortcut to store first match in given variable. Further matches are ignored.
unquotebooleanAutomatically unquote and unescape the input values. By default true.


Custom transformation executed on the value of the selected item. Note that the output value must contain quotes (if applicable) and be correctly escaped.

actionsActionsTransformer.BuilderThis transformer stores the (defragmented) input into a variable, using requested format. After that it executes all the actions and fetches transformed value using the pattern.
patternPattern.TransformerBuilderUse pattern replacing session variables.


This transformer stores the (defragmented) input into a variable, using requested format. After that it executes all the actions and fetches transformed value using the pattern.

actionsAction.BuilderActions to be executed.
formatenumFormat into which should this transformer convert the buffers before storing. Default is STRING.
  • BYTEBUFStore the buffer directly. Beware that this may cause memory leaks!
  • BYTESStore data as byte array.
  • STRINGInterprets the bytes as UTF-8 string.
patternStringPattern to use when fetching the transformed value.
varStringVariable used as the intermediate storage for the data.


Use pattern replacing session variables.

Inline definition
The pattern formatting string.
patternStringUse pattern replacing session variables.

21 - log

Log a message and variable values.

Log a message and variable values.

Inline definition
A pattern for string interpolation.
messageStringMessage format pattern. Use string interpolation for variables.

22 - loop

Repeats a set of steps fixed number of times.

Repeats a set of steps fixed number of times.

This step is supposed to be inserted as the first step of a sequence and the counterVar should not be set during the first invocation.

Before the loop the counterVar is initialized to zero, and in each after the last step in the steps sequence the counter is incremented. If the result is lesser than repeats this sequence is restarted from the beginning (this is also why the step must be the first step in the sequence).

It is legal to place steps after the looped steps.


- mySequence:
  - loop:
      counterVar: myCounter
      repeats: 5
      - httpRequest:
          GET: /foo/${myCounter}
          # ...
      - someOtherStep: ...
  - anotherStepExecutedAfterThoseFiveLoops
counterVarStringVariable holding number of iterations.
repeatsintNumber of iterations that should be executed.
stepsBuilderList of steps that should be looped.

23 - markRequestInvalid

Unconditionally mark currently processed request as invalid.

Unconditionally mark currently processed request as invalid.

24 - newSequence

Instantiates a sequence for each invocation.

Instantiates a sequence for each invocation.

Inline definition
Sequence name.
  • FAIL
  • WARN
forceSameIndexbooleanForces that the sequence will have the same index as the currently executing sequence. This can be useful if the sequence is passing some data to the new sequence using sequence-scoped variables. Note that the new sequence must have same concurrency factor as the currently executing sequence.
sequenceStringName of the instantiated sequence.

25 - noop

Does nothing. Only for demonstration purposes.

Does nothing. Only for demonstration purposes.

26 - publishAgentData

Makes the data available to all sessions in the same agent, including those using different executors.

Makes the data available to all sessions in the same agent, including those using different executors.

Inline definition
Both name of source variable and the key used to read the data.
fromVarStringSource session variable name.
nameStringArbitrary unique identifier for the data.

27 - publishGlobalCounters

Gathers values from session variables and publishes them globally (to all agents).

Gathers values from session variables and publishes them globally (to all agents).
You can name the counters individually (example 1) or use the variable names (example 2):

# Example 1:
- publishGlobalCounters:
    key: myKey
    vars: [ foo, bar ]
# Example 2:
- publishGlobalCounters:
    key: someOtherKey
    - foo: myFoo
    - bar: bbb

| Property | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------- | -------- |
| key | String | Identifier of the global record. |
| vars | [Builder](#vars) | List of names and session variables. |

### vars

| Property | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------- | ------- |
| &lt;any&gt; | &lt;unknown&gt; | <font color="#606060">&lt;no description&gt;</font> |
| &lt;list of strings&gt; | &lt;unknown&gt; | <font color="#606060">&lt;no description&gt;</font> |

28 - pullSharedMap

Move values from a map shared across all sessions using the same executor into session variables.

Move values from a map shared across all sessions using the same executor into session variables.

The executor can host multiple shared maps, each holding an entry with several variables. This step moves variables from either a random entry (if no match is set) or with an entry that has the same value for given variable as the current session. When data is moved to the current session the entry is dropped from the shared map. If the map contains records for which the {@link #vars()} don’t contain a destination variable the contents is lost.

keyStringKey identifying the shared map.
matchStringName of the session variable that stores value identifying the entry in the shared map.
vars<list of strings>List of variables the map should be pulled into.


List of variables the map should be pulled into.

<list of strings><unknown><no description>

29 - pushSharedMap

Store values from session variables into a map shared across all sessions using the same executor into session variables.

Store values from session variables into a map shared across all sessions using the same executor into session variables.

The executor can host multiple shared maps, each holding an entry with several variables. This step creates one entry in the map, copying values from session variables into the entry.

keyStringKey identifying the shared map.
vars<list of strings>List of variable names that should be stored in the entry.


List of variable names that should be stored in the entry.

<list of strings><unknown><no description>

30 - randomCsvRow

Stores random row from a CSV-formatted file to variables.

Stores random row from a CSV-formatted file to variables.

columnsBuilderDefines mapping from columns to session variables.
fileStringPath to the CSV file that should be loaded.
separatorcharSet character used for column separation. By default it is comma (,).
skipCommentsbooleanSkip lines starting with character ‘#’. By default set to false.


<any>StringUse 0-based column as the key and variable name as the value.

31 - randomFile

Reads bytes from a randomly chosen file into a variable.

Reads bytes from a randomly chosen file into a variable.
Two formats are supported:
Example 1 - without weights:

toVar: myVar
- /path/to/file1.txt
- file2_relative_to_benchmark.txt

Example 2 - with weights (the second file will be returned twice as often):

toVar: myVar
  /path/to/file1.txt: 1
  file2_relative_to_benchmark.txt: 2
filenameVarStringOptional variable to store the filename of the random file.
filesBuilderPotentially weighted list of files to choose from.
toVarStringVariable where the chosen byte array should be stored.


<any><list of strings>Item as the key and weight (arbitrary floating-point number, defaults to 1.0) as the value.
<list of strings><list of strings>Item as the key and weight (arbitrary floating-point number, defaults to 1.0) as the value.

32 - randomInt

Stores random (linearly distributed) integer into session variable.

Stores random (linearly distributed) integer into session variable.

maxBuilderHighest possible value (inclusive). Default is Integer.MAX_VALUE.
minBuilderLowest possible value (inclusive). Default is 0.
toVarStringVariable name to store the result.


Inline definition
Constant value.
fromVarStringInitialize with a value from session variable.
valueintInitialize with a constant value.


Inline definition
Constant value.
fromVarStringInitialize with a value from session variable.
valueintInitialize with a constant value.

33 - randomItem

Stores random item from a list or array into session variable.

Stores random item from a list or array into session variable.

fileStringThis file will be loaded into memory and the step will choose on line as the item.
fromVarStringVariable containing an array or list.
listBuilderPotentially weighted list of items to choose from.
toVarStringVariable where the chosen item should be stored.


<any><list of strings>Item as the key and weight (arbitrary floating-point number, defaults to 1.0) as the value.
<list of strings><list of strings>Item as the key and weight (arbitrary floating-point number, defaults to 1.0) as the value.

34 - randomUUID

Stores random string into session variable based on the UUID generator.

Stores random string into session variable based on the UUID generator.

toVarStringVariable name to store the result.

35 - readAgentData

Reads data from agent-wide scope into session variable.

Reads data from agent-wide scope into session variable.
The data must be published in a phase that has terminated before this phase starts: usually this is achieved using the startAfterStrict property on the phase.

Inline definition
Both the identifier and destination session variable.
nameStringUnique identifier for the data.
toVarStringDestination session variable name.

36 - removeItem

Removes element from an array of variables.

Removes element from an array of variables.

fromVarStringVariable containing an existing array of object variables.
indexBuilderSet index at which the item should be removed. Elements to the right of this are moved to the left.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).

37 - restartSequence

Restarts current sequence from beginning.

Restarts current sequence from beginning.

38 - scheduleDelay

Define a point in future until which we should wait. Does not cause waiting.

Define a point in future until which we should wait. Does not cause waiting.

durationStringDuration of the delay with appropriate suffix (e.g. ms or s).
fromLast<none>Set previous delay point reference as the reference for next delay point; it will be computed as (previous delay point or now) + duration.
Note: property does not have any value
fromNow<none>Set this step invocation as the delay point reference; it will be computed as now + duration.
Note: property does not have any value
keyStringKey that is referenced later in awaitDelay step. If you’re introducing the delay through thinkTime do not use this property.
maxStringUpper cap on the duration (if randomized).
minStringLower cap on the duration (if randomized).
randomenumRandomize the duration.
  • CONSTANTDo not randomize; use constant duration.
  • LINEARUse linearly random duration between min and max (inclusively).
  • NEGATIVE_EXPONENTIALUse negative-exponential duration with expected value of duration, capped at min and max (inclusively).
typeenumAlternative way to set delay reference point. See fromNow and fromLast property setters.

39 - set

Set variable in session to certain value.

Set variable in session to certain value.

Inline definition
Use var <- value.
intArrayBuilderSet variable to an (unset) integer array.
objectArrayBuilderSet variable to an (unset) object array.
valueStringString value.
varStringVariable name.


Creates integer arrays to be stored in the session.

fromVarStringContents of the new array. If the variable contains an array or a list, items will be copied to the elements with the same index up to the size of this array. If the variable contains a different value all elements will be initialized to this value.
sizeintSize of the array.


Creates object arrays to be stored in the session.

fromVarStringContents of the new array. If the variable contains an array or a list, items will be copied to the elements with the same index up to the size of this array. If the variable contains a different value all elements will be initialized to this value.
sizeintSize of the array.

40 - setInt

Set session variable to an integral value.

Set session variable to an integral value.

Inline definition
Use var <- value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
intConditionBuilderSet variable only if the current value satisfies certain condition.
maxBuilderSet to value that is the maximum of this list of values.
minBuilderSet to value that is the minimum of this list of values.
onlyIfNotSetbooleanSet variable to the value only if it is not already set.
valueintValue (integer).
varStringVariable name.


equalToBuilderCompared variable must be equal to this value.
greaterOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be greater or equal to this value.
greaterThanBuilderCompared variable must be greater than this value.
lessOrEqualToBuilderCompared variable must be lower or equal to this value.
lessThanBuilderCompared variable must be lower than this value.
notEqualToBuilderCompared variable must not be equal to this value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


<list of mappings><list of builders><no description>

max.<list of mappings>

Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).


<list of mappings><list of builders><no description>

41 - setItem

Set element in a collection on given position.

Set element in a collection on given position.

fromVarStringFetch value from session variable.
indexBuilderInteger session variable with an index into the collection.
toVarStringSession variable with the collection.
valueStringVerbatim value.


Inline definition
Uses the argument as a constant value.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
valueintValue (integer).

42 - setSharedCounter

Sets value in a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor.

Sets value in a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor.

Inline definition
Both the name of the counter and variable name.
fromVarStringInput variable name.
keyStringIdentifier for the counter.
valueintValue (integer).

43 - stop

Immediately stop the user session (break all running sequences).

Immediately stop the user session (break all running sequences).

44 - stopwatch

Run nested sequence of steps, recording execution time.

Run nested sequence of steps, recording execution time.

45 - stringToInt

Parse string into integer and store it in a variable.

Parse string into integer and store it in a variable.

If the parsing fails the target variable is not modified.

Inline definition
Use fromVar -&gt; toVar
fromVarStringSource variable name.
toVarStringTarget variable name.

46 - template

Format pattern into session variable.

Format pattern into session variable.

patternStringPattern to be encoded, e.g. foo${variable}bar${another-variable}
toVarStringVariable name to store the result.

47 - thinkTime

Block current sequence for specified duration.

Block current sequence for specified duration.

Inline definition
Duration of the delay with appropriate suffix (e.g. ms or s).
durationStringDuration of the delay with appropriate suffix (e.g. ms or s).
fromLast<none>Set previous delay point reference as the reference for next delay point; it will be computed as (previous delay point or now) + duration.
Note: property does not have any value
fromNow<none>Set this step invocation as the delay point reference; it will be computed as now + duration.
Note: property does not have any value
keyStringKey that is referenced later in awaitDelay step. If you’re introducing the delay through thinkTime do not use this property.
maxStringUpper cap on the duration (if randomized).
minStringLower cap on the duration (if randomized).
randomenumRandomize the duration.
  • CONSTANTDo not randomize; use constant duration.
  • LINEARUse linearly random duration between min and max (inclusively).
  • NEGATIVE_EXPONENTIALUse negative-exponential duration with expected value of duration, capped at min and max (inclusively).
typeenumAlternative way to set delay reference point. See fromNow and fromLast property setters.

48 - timestamp

Stores the current time in milliseconds as string to a session variable.

Stores the current time in milliseconds as string to a session variable.

Inline definition
Variable name.
localeCountryString2-letter ISO country code used in the formatter locale. Defaults to ‘US’.
patternStringFormat the timestamp using SimpleDateFormat pattern.
toVarStringTarget variable name.

49 - unset

Undefine variable name.

Undefine variable name.

Inline definition
Variable name.
varObjectVariable name.