Appends value to an array stored in another variable.
Actions are non-blocking handlers for various events.
Appends value to an array stored in another variable.
Add value to integer variable in the session.
Adds value to a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor.
Drops all entries from HTTP cache in the session.
Perform an action or sequence of actions conditionally.
Fail the phase with given message. Used mostly for testing/debugging.
Lookup index of an item in an array/collection.
Retrieves n-th item from an array or collection.
Retrieves value from a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor and stores that in a session variable.
Calculates size of an array/collection held in variable into another variable
Log a message and variable values.
Unconditionally mark currently processed request as invalid.
Instantiates a sequence for each invocation.
Makes the data available to all sessions in the same agent, including those using different executors.
Gathers values from session variables and publishes them globally (to all agents).
Reads data from agent-wide scope into session variable.
Removes element from an array of variables.
Schedules a restart of this sequence.
Set variable in session to certain value.
Set session variable to an integral value.
Set element in a collection on given position.
Sets value in a counter shared by all sessions in the same executor.
Parse string into integer and store it in a variable.
Undefine variable name.
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