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How To

A collection of practical advices for common things in Hyperfoil

This section contains practical advices for common things you could want to use in a benchmark.

1 - Benchmark schema support

How to make your life easier while building your own benchmarks

For your convenience we recommend using editor with YAML validation against JSON schema; you can point your editor to docs/schema.json. We can recommend Visual Studio Code with redhat.vscode-yaml plugin.

You need to edit settings file to map benchmark configuration files (with .hf.yaml extension) to the schema, adding:

"yaml.schemas" : {
    "file:///path/to/hyperfoil-distribution/docs/schema.json" : "/*.hf.yaml"

Note that you can also directly point to the hosted JSON schema definition:

"yaml.schemas" : {
    "" : "/*.hf.yaml"

2 - Using credentials

Hyperfoil benchmarks can refer to external files. When you use the upload command in CLI the files are automatically attached the the benchmark YAML (relative paths are resolved relative to this file). Later on when editing the file you can choose to re-upload some of these. Once the benchmark is built the files are loaded to the in-memory representation - Hyperfoil won’t access these files during runtime. With clustered benchmarks these files don’t need to be on the agents either - the controller sends serialized in-memory representation to the agents and that contains everything needed for the actual execution.

When testing a workload you will likely skip user registration and come with a list of username+password keys. A convenient way is to keep these in a CSV file that looks like


We will create a step that selects a random line from such file and stores it in session variables username and password:

- randomCsvRow:
    file: credentials.csv # Path relative to the benchmark
      0: username
      1: password

The columns property has a mapping of zero-based indices of columns in the CSV file. This way you can use a file with some extra information.

In case you don’t need to split lines into separate variables you can use the randomItem:

- randomItem:
    file: usernames.txt
    toVar: username

We have selected the credentials, now it’s time to execute the login. When users submit a form on HTML page this usually results in a POST request with content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header and the form contents encoded in the request body. Hyperfoil lets you specify this conveniently using the form body formatter:

- httpRequest:
    POST: /login
        - name: username
          fromVar: username
        - name: password
          fromVar: password
        - name: action
          value: log-me-in-please

Successful response from the server carries a token in most cases but the actual method can vary. If the server sets a cookie Hyperfoil automatically records this and sends it on subsequent requests (this can be switched off using ergonomics.repeatCookies). If the server sends the token in a response header, e.g. x-token you can store it using the header handler into the token session variable:

- httpRequest:
    # ...
          header: "x-token"
            store: token

If the server returns this token as a part of JSON object - e.g { "token": "abc123" } you would process response body using the json processor in body handler:

- httpRequest:
    # ...
          query: ".token"
          toVar: token

Runnable example

Below you can find a runnable example that we have prepared for you and that you can download here.

name: credentials
- host: https://localhost:8084
- use-cookie:
      users: 1
      # Make sure that without the cookie (before login) the request fails with 401
      - before-login:
        - httpRequest:
            GET: /howto/credentials/secure
              autoRangeCheck: false # Don't fail with 4xx-5xx
                range: 401
      - login-with-form:
        - randomCsvRow:
            file: credentials.csv
              0: username
              1: password
        - httpRequest:
            POST: /howto/credentials/login
              - name: username
                fromVar: username
              - name: password
                fromVar: password
      # Here we already have the cookie set to a httpRequest will succeed
      - after-login:
        - httpRequest:
            GET: /howto/credentials/secure
- use-bearer-token:
      users: 1
      - request-login-page:
        # This first request will response with WWW-Authenticate header
        - httpRequest:
            GET: /howto/credentials/login
              autoRangeCheck: false
                range: 401
      - login-with-basic-auth:
        - randomCsvRow:
            file: credentials.csv
              0: username
              1: password
        - template:
            pattern: ${username}:${password}
            toVar: concatenated
        - httpRequest:
            GET: /howto/credentials/login
              # Our example runs over HTTP2 and that mandates lower-case header names
              authorization: Basic ${base64encode:concatenated}
            # With Authorization header the server will reply with token
            # and redirect us to the secured page. `httpRequest` implements
            # automatic redirection through `handler.followRedirect` but that
            # wouldn't send the token, so we'll do that manually
              - filter:
                  header: x-token
                  - store: token
                range: 30x
      - after-login:
        - httpRequest:
            GET: /howto/credentials/secure
              authorization: Bearer ${token}

There are two scenarios: use-cookie performs the login using the POST from form as shown above and then keeps the secret token in a cookie; use-bearer-token performs HTTP Basic authentication, receives a token in headers and then uses that for HTTP Bearer authentication.

You should start with running a server with mocked responses in one console:

podman run --rm -p 8084:8084

In second console start the CLI with in-vm controller (or standalone and open the WebCLI in your browser). We are running in host-network mode to be able to reach localhost from within the container.

podman run --rm -it --net host cli

[hyperfoil]$ start-local
Starting controller in default directory (/tmp/hyperfoil)
Controller started, listening on
Connecting to the controller...
Connected to!

[hyperfoil@in-vm]$ upload
Loaded benchmark credentials, uploading...
... done.

[hyperfoil@in-vm]$ run
Started run 0000
Run 0000, benchmark credentials
Agents: in-vm[STOPPED]
Started: 2022/10/27 15:48:39.271    Terminated: 2022/10/27 15:48:39.301
use-bearer-token  TERMINATED  15:48:39.271             15:48:39.301  30 ms (exceeded by 31 ms)  1 users at once
use-cookie        TERMINATED  15:48:39.271             15:48:39.300  29 ms (exceeded by 30 ms)  1 users at once

[hyperfoil@in-vm]$ stats
Total stats from run 0000

PHASE             METRIC                 THROUGHPUT   REQUESTS  MEAN     p50      p90      p99      p99.9    p99.99   TIMEOUTS  ERRORS  BLOCKED  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  CACHE</span>
use-bearer-token  after-login            33.33 req/s         1  3.79 ms  3.80 ms  3.80 ms  3.80 ms  3.80 ms  3.80 ms         0       0     0 ns    1    0    0    0      0
use-bearer-token  login-with-basic-auth  33.33 req/s         1  4.57 ms  4.59 ms  4.59 ms  4.59 ms  4.59 ms  4.59 ms         0       0     0 ns    0    1    0    0      0
use-bearer-token  request-login-page     33.33 req/s         1  7.49 ms  7.50 ms  7.50 ms  7.50 ms  7.50 ms  7.50 ms         0       0     0 ns    0    0    1    0      0
use-cookie        after-login            34.48 req/s         1  3.69 ms  3.70 ms  3.70 ms  3.70 ms  3.70 ms  3.70 ms         0       0     0 ns    1    0    0    0      0
use-cookie        before-login           34.48 req/s         1  9.60 ms  9.63 ms  9.63 ms  9.63 ms  9.63 ms  9.63 ms         0       0     0 ns    0    0    1    0      0
use-cookie        login-with-form        34.48 req/s         1  4.96 ms  4.98 ms  4.98 ms  4.98 ms  4.98 ms  4.98 ms         0       0     0 ns    1    0    0    0      0

The list of possibilities is endless; if your use case does not fit any of the above please check out the reference. You can also have a look at a full example in the second part of the Beginner’s Guide.