Running the server

Learn how to start the Hyperfoil server in standalone mode

Until now we have always started our benchmarks using an embedded controller in the CLI, using the start-local command. This spawns a server in the CLI JVM. CLI communicates with it using standard REST API, though the server port is randomized and listens on localhost only. All the benchmarks and run results are also stored in /tmp/hyperfoil/ - you can change the directory as an argument to the start-local command. While the embedded controller might be convenient for a quick test or when developing the scenario it’s not something that you’d use for a full-fledged benchmark.

When testing a reasonably performing system you need multiple nodes driving the load - we call them agents. These agents sync up, receive commands and report statistics to a master node, the controller. This node exposes a RESTful API to upload & start the benchmark, watch its progress and download results.

There are two other scripts in the bin/ directory:

  • starts both the controller and (one) agent in a single JVM. This is not too different from the controller embedded in CLI.
  • starts clustered Vert.x and deploys the controller. Agents are started as needed in different nodes. You’ll see this in the next quickstart.

Also note that it is possible to run Hyperfoil in Openshift.

Open two terminals; in one terminal start the standalone server and in second terminal start the CLI.




Then, let’s try to connect to the server (by default running on http://localhost:8090) and upload the single-request benchmark:

# This is the name of the benchmark. It's recommended to keep this in sync with
# name of this file, adding extension `.hf.yaml`.
name: single-request
# We must define at least one HTTP target, in this case it becomes a default
# for all HTTP requests.
# Simulation consists of phases - potentially independent workloads.
# We'll discuss phases more in detail in next quickstarts.
# `example` is the name of the single phase in this benchmark.
- example:
    # `atOnce` with `users: 1` results in running the scenario below just once
      users: 1
      # The only sequence in this scenario is called `test`.
      - test:
        # In the only step in this sequence we'll do a HTTP GET request
        # to ``
        - httpRequest:
            GET: /
            # Inject helpers to make this request synchronous, i.e. keep
            # the sequence blocked until Hyperfoil processes the response.
            sync: true

From the second terminal, the one running the Hyperfoil CLI, issue the following commands:

[hyperfoil@localhost]$ connect
Connected! Server has these agents connected:
* localhost[REGISTERED]

[hyperfoil@localhost]$ upload .../single-request.hf.yaml
Loaded benchmark single-request, uploading...
... done.

[hyperfoil@localhost]$ run single-request
Started run 0001

When you switch to the first terminal (the one running the controller), you can see in the logs that the benchmark definition was stored on the server, the benchmark has been executed and its results have been stored to disk. Hyperfoil by default stores benchmarks in directory /tmp/hyperfoil/benchmark and data about runs in /tmp/hyperfoil/run; check it out:

column -t -s , /tmp/hyperfoil/run/0001/stats/total.csv
Phase    Name  Requests  Responses  Mean       Min        p50.0      p90.0      p99.0      p99.9      p99.99     Max        MeanSendTime  ConnFailure  Reset  Timeouts  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  Other  Invalid  BlockedCount  BlockedTime  MinSessions  MaxSessions
example  test  1         1          267911168  267386880  268435455  268435455  268435455  268435455  268435455  268435455  2655879       0            0      0         0    1    0    0    0      0        0             0

Reading CSV/JSON files directly is not too comfortable; you can check the details through CLI as well:

[hyperfoil@localhost]$ stats
Total stats from run 002D
Phase   Sequence  Requests      Mean       p50       p90       p99     p99.9    p99.99    2xx    3xx    4xx    5xx Timeouts Errors
	test:            1 267.91 ms 268.44 ms 268.44 ms 268.44 ms 268.44 ms 268.44 ms      0      1      0      0        0      0

By the time you type the stats command into CLI the benchmark is already completed and the CLI shows stats for the whole run. Let’s try running the {% include src=‘eshop-scale.hf.yaml’ %} we’ve seen in previous quickstart; this will give us some time to observe on-line statistics as the benchmark is progressing:

podman run --rm -p 8080:8083
[hyperfoil@localhost]$ upload .../eshop-scale.hf.yaml
Loaded benchmark eshop-scale, uploading...
... done.
[hyperfoil@localhost]$ run eshop-scale
Started run 0002
Run 0002, benchmark eshop-scale

Here the console would automatically jump into the status command, displaying the progress of the benchmark online. Press Ctrl+C to cancel that (it won’t stop the benchmark run) and run the stats command:

[hyperfoil@localhost]$ stats
Recent stats from run 0002
Phase   Sequence  Requests      Mean       p50       p90       p99     p99.9    p99.99    2xx    3xx    4xx    5xx Timeouts Errors
        buy:             8   1.64 ms   1.91 ms   3.05 ms   3.05 ms   3.05 ms   3.05 ms      8      0      0      0        0      0
        browse:          8   2.13 ms   2.65 ms   3.00 ms   3.00 ms   3.00 ms   3.00 ms      8      0      0      0        0      0
        browse:          8   2.74 ms   2.69 ms   2.97 ms   2.97 ms   2.97 ms   2.97 ms      8      0      0      0        0      0
Press Ctr+C to stop watching...

You can go back to the run progress using the status command (hint: use status --all to display all phases, including those not started or already terminated):

[hyperfoil@localhost]$ status
Run 0002, benchmark eshop-scale
Agents: localhost[INITIALIZED]
Started: 2019/04/15 16:27:24.526
browsingUserRampUp/006  RUNNING  16:28:54.565  2477 ms
buyingUserRampUp/006    RUNNING  16:28:54.565  2477 ms
Press Ctrl+C to stop watching...

Since we are showing this quickstart running the controller and CLI on the same machine it’s easy to fetch results locally from /tmp/hyperfoil/run/XXXX/.... To save you SSHing into the controller host and finding the directories in a ’true remote’ case there’s the export command; This fetches statistics to your computer where you’re running CLI. You can chose between default JSON format (e.g. export 0002 -f json -d /path/to/dir) and CSV format (export 0002 -f csv -d /path/to/dir) - the latter packs all CSV files into single ZIP file for your convenience.

When you find out that the benchmark is not going well, you can terminate it prematurely:

[hyperfoil@localhost]$ kill
Kill run 0002, benchmark eshop-scale(phases: 2 running, 0 finished, 40 terminated) [y/N]: y

In the next quickstart we will deal with starting clustered Hyperfoil.