Phases - basics

Deep dive into the basics of phases

So far the benchmark contained only one type of load; certain number of users hitting the system, doing always the same (though data could be randomized). In practice you might want to simulate several types of workloads at once: in an eshop users would come browsing or buying products, and operators would restock the virtual warehouse.

Also, driving constant load may not be the best way to run the benchmark: often you want to slowly ramp the load up to let the system adjust (scale up, perform JIT, fill pools) and push the full load only after that. When trying to find system limits, you do the same repetitevely - ramp up the load, measure latencies and if the system meets SLAs (latencies below limits) continue ramping up the load until it breaks.

In Hyperfoil, this all is expressed through phases. We’ve already seen phases in the first quickstart as we wanted to execute a non-default type of load - running the workload only once. Let’s take a look on the “eshop” case first:

# This benchmark simulates operations in an eshop, with browsing/shopping users
# and operators restocking the warehouse.
name: eshop
  host: http://localhost:8080
  sharedConnections: 80
# This defines a workload where users just look through the pages.
- browsingUser:
    # This is the default type of workload, starting constant number of users
    # each second. Note that we don't speak about 'requests per second' as
    # the scenario may issue any number of requests.
      duration: 10s
      usersPerSec: 10
      # Browse is the name of our only sequence. We will avoid steps generating
      # random data for browsing for the sake of brevity.
      - browse:
        - httpRequest:
            GET: /quickstarts/eshop/items
# Workload simulating users that are going to buy something
- buyingUser:
      # The length of this phase is not synchronized with other phases.
      # You might think that this is too flexible at first.
      duration: 10s
      usersPerSec: 5
      - browse:
        - httpRequest:
            GET: /quickstarts/eshop/items
                  query: .[].id
                  # This is a shortcut to store in array-typed variable
                  # `itemIds` holding at most 10 elements.
                  toArray: itemIds[10]
      - buy:
        # Pick id for a random item
        - randomItem: itemId <- itemIds
        - httpRequest:
            POST: /quickstarts/eshop/items/${itemId}/buy
- operator:
    # This is a different type of phase, running fixed number of users.
    # It is what most benchmarks do when you set number of threads; here we use
    # that as we know that we have fixed number of employees (operators) who
    # are restocking the warehouse.
      users: 5
      duration: 10s
      - restock:
        # Select an id for random item to restock
        # Variables in different scenarios are completely unrelated.
        - randomInt: itemId <- 1 .. 999
        - randomInt: units <- 1 .. 10
        - httpRequest:
            POST: /quickstarts/eshop/items/${itemId}/restock
              # We are using url-encoded form data
              - name: addUnits
                fromVar: units
        # Operators need some pauses - otherwise we would start another
        # scenario execution (and fire another request) right away.
        - thinkTime:
            duration: 2s

Start the same server as you did in the previous quickstarts:

podman run --rm -p 8080:8083

In next quickstart you’ll learn how to repeat and link the phases.

Last modified September 2, 2024: docs: fix quickstart links (245525b)