
How to develop your own extensions

You have probably already read the Custom steps and handlers quickstart which shows how to create a simple component. It can get more tricky when the component embeds other components, though.

The build of scenario happens in two phases. In first phase the sequences, steps and components call method prepareBuild(). Most often that method uses the default (empty) implementation, but if your component (e.g. custom step) embeds another one (e.g. instance of a Processor) it should call its prepareBuild() method, too. The purpose of this method is mutatation of builders, for example adding extra steps to the scenario or registering handlers elsewhere. We’ll see how to do that later on.

In the second phase build(...) is called. At this point the builders tree must not be mutated further as some components might be already built and the change could not be reflected; this method should validate the builder and return the component.

Mutations of the scenario can be position dependent (e.g. adding one step before or after current step). Each builder that needs to know its position therefore must override two methods, setLocator(Locator) and copy(Locator). The former usually just sets a field storing the Locator and delegates the call to embedded components, the latter performs a deep copy of this builder, storing the provided Locator in the copy.

If you want to add some extra steps elsewhere in the scenario, you can implement the prepareBuild() method this way:


private Locator locator;

/* ... */

public void prepareBuild() {
   // insert custom step before this step in this sequence
      .step(new CustomStep(42));

   // insert custom step after this step in this sequence, using a builder
      .stepBuilder(new CustomStep.Builder().foo(42));

   // insert a new sequence 'foo' with single custom step to the scenario
      .step(new CustomStep(42));

Note that when you insert any builders in the prepareBuild() methods it is possible that its prepare phase won’t be executed (if inserting to already prepared sequence), though it might be (if inserting to sequence that is yet to be prepared). It’s up to the calling code to make sure that the inserted component will be prepared.

As mentioned above, components often embed other components. To service-load a component, e.g. an Action you define these methods in the builder:


// This method is not different from regular fluent setter
// and it's useful for programmatic configuration.
public Builder onEvent(Action.Builder onEvent) {
    // you can ensure here that this is called only once
    this.onEvent = onEvent;
    return this;

// This is the service-loading method.
public ServiceLoadedBuilderProvider<Action.Builder> onEvent() {
    return new ServiceLoadedBuilderProvider<>(Action.Builder.class, locator, this::onEvent);

The parser instantiates concrete implementation of the Action.Builder, calls its setters and then passes the builder to the consumer method referenced as this::onEvent. Note that the call to ServiceLoadedBuilderProvider constructor requires a Locator parameter, as the embedded Action can mutate the scenario later on.