Release Notes

Summary of the main features and/or fixes by release

0.26 (2024-05-31)

  • Remove
  • Disable automatic report opening with –silent option
  • Throw exception for misconfigured multi-host HTTP benchmark
  • Add agent property to configure the ssh key used
  • Set CPU Request in Benchmark
  • s390x: Define utf-8 encoding in compiler plugin
  • Dependecies upgrades, e.g., infinispan and vertx

0.25.2 (2023-08-03)

  • Bug fix: Version command not working

0.25.1 (2023-08-02)

  • Update dependencies

0.25 (2023-06-28)

  • startWith: Delay feature
  • Enhancements
  • Bug fixes

0.24.2 (2023-05-02)

  • Bug fix and enhancements

0.24.1 (2023-02-02)

  • Return correct protocol
  • Validate wrk benchmark before running simulation

0.24 (2022-12-15)

  • Initial support for Mac OS/x86_64
  • Fix serialization for Timestamp
  • Dependency updates

0.23 (2022-10-31)

  • Fix for HTTP2 requests not flushing request body
  • Reimplemented randomCsvRow CSV parsing and quotes handling
  • Command upload in CLI/WebCLI now accepts URL

0.22 (2022-09-19)

  • Fixes and output synchronization in wrk/wrk2 commands
  • Fixes for aarch-64
  • Formatting in timestamp step
  • When a template is missing referenced file CLI asks user to provide it
  • One-key switch for interactive statistics in CLI

0.21 (2022-07-12)

  • Minor bugfix-only release.

0.20 (2022-05-26)

  • Vert.x 4.3 and Infinispan 13 for clustering
  • Bugfixes in templating and documentation

0.19 (2022-02-22)

0.18 (2021-12-16)

  • New benchmark templating system: !param, !concat and !foreach
  • Mechanisms for storing global, agent-wide and thread-wide data
  • Improved error reporting and logging
  • HTTP endpoints can be referred to using a name rather than authority (host:port combination)
  • Custom SLAs: Tests that have external statistics can place SLAs on these.
  • Closed-model phases can be configured with .usersPerAgent and .usersPerThread
  • New actions for manipulating collections
  • New step and action for restarting current sequence
  • New action for marking request as invalid manually
  • Other utility processors and added properties on existings steps/actions
  • Fix various issues with statistics from auxiliary verticles.

0.17 (2021-10-21)

  • More options for configuration of agent pods (resources, labels…) - courtesy of Stephen Connolly
  • Upgrade of Apache MINA

0.16 (2021-06-11)

  • This release removes some code-bloat for extension developers, using reflection to scan the scenario:
    • Session variables do not need to be explicitly reserved in ResourceUtilizer.reserve() method.
    • Components owning another components do not have to propagate the resource resevation calls.
  • Automatic check for reading from a variable that’s never written to.
  • Controller can loads statistics from old runs (therefore CLI can show stats from runs before reboot)
    • Statistics from old runs are unloaded in order to prevent running out-of-memory in constrained environments.
  • Phases can now be marked with isWarmup: true - reporting can hide data from these phases by default
  • Agents deployed via SSH can set list of cpus on which to run (using taskset).
  • Self-checks for excessive CPU usage on agents, record CPU usage in each phase.
  • Various fixes and improvements in WebCLI.

0.15 (2021-04-09)

  • Introduced statistics for connections (#connections by type, active connections and in-flight requests…)
  • New connection strategies: Open connections for each session/request
    • ergonomics.privatePools replaced by http.connectionStrategy
  • http.sharedConnections can be set using sub-properties core, max, buffer and keepAliveTime.
  • Dropped RequestProcessorBuilder and HttpRequestProcessorBuilder in favor of Processor.Builder
    • If the processor is used in an incompatible context it should cause a runtime error
  • POC support for Hot Rod protocol connecting to Infinispan clusters.
  • k8s deployer: agent labels and tolerations
  • Many improvements to WebCLI, notably automatic reconnect and plot command
  • Statistics rework: HTTP-related statistics are separated into extensions, some fields were dropped or renamed
    • Report schema changed to v3.0 to reflect this (+piggybacked agent address/name changes)
  • Upgrade to Vert.x 4.0

0.14 (2021-02-22)

  • Significant refactoring of HTTP-related code into its own module
    • Programmatic configuration requires some changes but there were no changes for YAML definitions
  • Hyperfoil Controller now serves WebCLI at root path
    • OpenAPI definition moved to /openapi

0.13 (2021-01-28)

This is mostly a bugfix release with minor convenience improvements.

  • Run CLI in container simply using docker/podman run -it --rm --network=host cli

0.12 (2020-12-16)

  • Hyperfoil now requires JDK 11
  • BREAKING CHANGE: extra files are now loaded relative to benchmark YAML file, not working directory
  • CLI improvements:
    • Upload benchmarks in text-mode (lower chance of serialization issues)
    • Ask for re-upload of extra files
    • inspect command to reveal detailed structure of the benchmark
  • Status 4xx and 5xx is not counted as error for purposes of SLA.errorRatio (use SLA.invalidRatio)
  • Hyperfoil controller can be exposed using HTTPS and offers Basic authentication scheme.
  • Mode with coordinated-omission compensation: see httpRequest.compensation.
  • Support for GZIP compression of responses: see httpRequest.compression.
  • New generator step: randomFile
  • Image build now can be done using podman

0.11 (2020-11-18)

  • Fix a critical memory leak in the use of Netty’s direct buffers.
  • Fix problems in HTML redirect.

0.10 (2020-11-13)

  • Explicit concurrency limits on sequences, e.g mySequence[6].
    • maxSequences on scenario is not used anymore.
  • Concurrent sequences have its own copy of each resource by default.
  • Reworked loop step.
  • Renamed simple recorder (processor) to store.
  • Step httpRequest now implements handler.followRedirect, automatically sending another request(s) upon 3xx status or <meta http-equiv=“refresh” …> in HTML.
  • HTTP 1.1 is now implemented without relying on Netty’s parser - saving allocations (HTTP 2.0 is still TODO).
  • Reworked ways to modify other parts of the benchmark from withing the builder (Locator).
  • Reduced need for boilerplate code in builders.
  • Many bugfixes and small improvements.

0.9 (2020-05-28)

This is a bugfix-release.

0.8 (2020-04-24)

  • Renamed phase types:
    • constantPerSecconstantRate
    • rampPerSecincreasingRate/decreasingRate
  • Change meaning of SLA.blockedRatio: the value should be between 0 and 1 (inclusively) where 1 allows blocking without limits.
  • New SLA check invalidRatio.
  • 4xx and 5xx responses mark the request as invalid by default (configurable through ergonomics.autoRangeCheck).
  • When a response is marked as invalid session execution stops immediately (configurable through ergonomics.stopOnInvalid).
  • Implemented replace and delete operation in the json step and processor.
  • responseSizeRecorder replaced with transferSizeRecorder, calculating uploaded bytes as well.
  • Agents now host a default section where you can define common configuration.
  • Each agent can have different number of threads, using the threads property.
  • Report schema changed, now using schema

0.7.1 (2020-02-26)

Bugfix-only release.

  • Fixed threading model when using wrk command
  • Fixed HTTP parsing for rawBytesHandlers
  • Fixed stop used either as step or in a handler

Please see git log for info about older releases.

Last modified September 2, 2024: docs: fix quickstart links (245525b)